Emergency Hotline in Navotas City

Emergencies, whether natural disasters or unexpected accidents, require quick action and reliable assistance. For Navotas City residents, staying prepared and knowing how to access help is crucial for community safety and resilience.

Key Emergency Hotlines for Navotas City

If you or someone you know needs assistance, reach out to the following hotlines:

  • Emergency Hotline: 8281-1111
  • TXT JRT Hotlines:
    • Globe: 0917-521-8578
    • Smart: 0908-886-8578
    • Sun: 0922-888-8578

These hotlines ensure fast response to any type of emergency, whether it’s a medical crisis, fire, flood, or earthquake. Save these numbers in your phone and share them with your family and neighbors.

Steps to Stay Prepared for Emergencies

  1. Create an Emergency Plan:
    • Discuss evacuation routes and meeting points with your family.
    • Identify safe areas in your home or community.
  2. Prepare an Emergency Kit:
    • Include water, non-perishable food, a flashlight, batteries, a first aid kit, important documents, and communication devices.
  3. Stay Informed:
    • Follow updates and announcements from local authorities and the community’s emergency management team.

Disaster-Specific Tips for Navotas City

  • Flood Preparedness:
    • Navotas is vulnerable to flooding due to its coastal location. Evacuate to higher ground when heavy rainfall or storm surges occur. Avoid wading through floodwaters to prevent diseases.
  • Earthquake Response:
    • Practice the “Duck, Cover, and Hold” technique during earthquakes. Stay indoors if it’s safe or evacuate to open spaces if you feel strong shaking.
  • Fire Emergencies:
    • Install smoke alarms in your home and regularly check fire exits in buildings. Keep fire extinguishers accessible and know how to use them.
  • Medical Emergencies:
    • Administer basic first aid while waiting for responders. For serious cases, use the emergency hotline for immediate ambulance dispatch.

Together for a Safer Navotas

The Navotas City government and local organizations are dedicated to creating a safer environment for residents through disaster preparedness programs, reliable response teams, and public awareness campaigns.

Stay Connected

Make sure you and your family are informed and prepared for any emergency. Share this guide with your community to help everyone stay safe. Together, we can build a more resilient Navotas!