Emergencies can happen when you least expect them. Having the right numbers to call can save lives and prevent further problems. Here’s a simple guide to the emergency hotlines in Ormoc City. Keep these contacts handy so you can quickly get help when needed.
Health and Medical Help
- Ormoc CESU (City Epidemiology and Surveillance Unit): +63956-498-4733
- HEMS (Health Emergency Management Services): +63927-006-4533
If you or someone needs urgent medical attention, these numbers can connect you to health teams who can provide care.
Rescue Teams
- Ormoc Rescue:
- +63905-570-5865
- +63921-671-4443
- Ormoc DRRM OPCEN (Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office): +63998-241-2991
- Rapid Rescue: +63947-507-1433
For situations like accidents or natural disasters, these rescue teams are ready to respond quickly.
Fire Emergencies
- Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP) Ormoc:
- +63915-170-0910
- +63907-272-6943
In case of a fire, contact the fire department right away to prevent it from spreading.
Water Safety Concerns
- Coast Guard Ormoc Station: +63930-313-5188
If there’s an emergency at sea or along the coast, the Coast Guard is the group to call.
Police Assistance
For crimes, disturbances, or other safety concerns, reach out to the nearest police station.
- Police Station 1 (Cogon):
- +63998-598-6691
- +63935-441-7443
- Police Station 2 (Cabugan): +63998-598-6693
- Police Station 3 (Lilo-an): +63998-967-4958
- Police Station 4 (Linao): +63970-925-0336
- Police Station 5 (Dolores): +63970-061-3278
- Police Station 6 (Ipil):
- +63955-362-7125
- +63970-056-4173
For bigger concerns, you can also contact:
- Ormoc City Mobile Police Unit: +63955-362-7125
- Ormoc City Police Headquarters: +63998-598-6690
Important Tip
Save these numbers on your phone or write them down somewhere easy to find. During emergencies, staying calm and giving clear details about what’s happening can help responders reach you faster.