In the Philippine National Police (PNP), “GOA” stands for “General Order of Appearance.” It’s essentially a rulebook created by high-ranking officers to guide police officers on how they should present themselves and behave. This includes guidelines on uniforms, grooming, and conduct. Adhering to these rules is crucial for maintaining a professional and organized image for the police force.

The PNP-approved uniforms that comply with GOA standards include:

  • SAR (Search and Rescue) Uniform
  • PNP Patrol Shirt
  • FSU Uniform
  • GOA Uniform (Available in Set A and Set B)

These uniforms are protected by the Revised Penal Code, specifically Article 177, which deals with unauthorized assumption of authority or official functions, and Article 179, which addresses the unlawful use of uniforms or insignia. Anyone found violating this law may be fined between 5,000 pesos and 10,000 pesos, or face imprisonment for a minimum of 2 years and a maximum of 5 years, or both.



For details about PNP Uniforms, do any of the following: