Although there is no embassy of Indonesia located in Tagum City, residents of the city can still avail themselves of the services of the Consul General of the Republic of Indonesia. The Consul General’s office is located in nearby Davao City, making it accessible to Tagum City residents who need to transact with them.
With the Consul General’s office situated within close proximity, residents of Tagum City can easily obtain consular services such as visa applications, passport renewals, and other forms of assistance related to Indonesian affairs. The office can also provide information on travel requirements and cultural exchanges between the Philippines and Indonesia.
- Legalized Indonesian Diploma and School Documents
- VISA and Passport Processing
- Visit VISA for Single Entry
- Visit VISA for Multiple Entries
- Indonesian Driver’s License Conversion
- Apostille
- Indonesian Documents Legalization
- Certificate of Legal Capacity to Marry (CLCM)
- Services for Individuals or Corporations looking for investment opportunities
- Any other Consular Services