Curriculum and Learning Management Division (CLMD) – Tagum City

The Curriculum and Learning Management Division (CLMD) plays a significant role in enhancing the overall performance of educational regions, particularly in terms of learning outcomes. It achieves this by assisting school divisions in ensuring the comprehensive implementation of the prescribed basic education curriculum. The CLMD achieves this through the following key strategies:

  1. Localizing and Indigenizing Curriculum: The CLMD recognizes the importance of tailoring the curriculum to local contexts and cultural diversity. By localizing and indigenizing the curriculum, it ensures that educational content reflects the unique needs, values, and traditions of the specific region. This approach enhances student engagement, relevance, and understanding, leading to improved learning outcomes.
  2. Enforcing Standards: The CLMD places great emphasis on maintaining and enforcing educational standards. By setting clear guidelines and benchmarks, the division ensures that schools adhere to quality standards in curriculum delivery. This includes aligning instructional strategies, assessment practices, and learning objectives to national educational standards. Through this rigorous enforcement, the CLMD promotes consistency and quality across schools, fostering better learning outcomes.
  3. Providing Access to Quality and Varied Learning Resources: Recognizing the significance of diverse and high-quality learning resources, the CLMD facilitates access to a wide range of materials. These resources may include textbooks, supplementary materials, digital content, and other educational tools. By ensuring availability and accessibility, the CLMD equips teachers and students with the necessary resources to enhance teaching and learning experiences. This access to quality and varied learning resources contributes to improved learning outcomes among students.

It significantly contributes to the enhancement of region-wide educational performance, specifically regarding learning outcomes. By localizing and indigenizing the curriculum, enforcing standards, and providing access to quality and varied learning resources, the CLMD helps school divisions ensure the comprehensive implementation of the basic education curriculum. Through these efforts, the CLMD aims to foster improved student engagement, relevance, and understanding, ultimately leading to enhanced learning outcomes across the region.



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  • Call or text me at 09460480491
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