Leipzig (Germany) to Tagum City (Philippines)

If you are planning to travel from Leipzig, Germany to Tagum City, Philippines, you will need to make multiple flights with layovers.

The closest airport to Leipzig is the Leipzig/Halle Airport (LEJ), which offers flights to several international destinations, including Singapore. You can check with various airlines, such as Lufthansa, Qatar Airways, and Emirates, for flights from Leipzig to Singapore. The flight duration is approximately 12-16 hours, depending on the layover and airline.

From Singapore, you can take a flight to Davao City, which is the closest major airport to Tagum City. Several airlines, including Singapore Airlines, SilkAir, Scoot, and Philippine Airlines, offer flights from Singapore to Davao City. The flight duration is approximately 3 hours and 30 minutes.

Upon arrival in Davao City, you can take a taxi or a bus to Tagum City, which is approximately 50 kilometers away. The travel time is approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes, depending on the traffic.