Nouméa (New Caledonia) to Tagum City (Philippines)

Nouméa and Tagum City are located on opposite sides of the Pacific Ocean, and are separated by a vast distance of approximately 9,000 kilometers (or 5,600 miles). Therefore, traveling directly from Nouméa to Tagum City by any means of transportation is not possible.

If you were to travel from Nouméa to Tagum City, you would need to take a series of flights or other transportation modes, with several layovers and transfers in different cities along the way. The most common route would likely involve a flight from Nouméa to a major hub such as Sydney, Australia or Manila, Philippines, and then a connecting flight to Davao City, which is the closest major city to Tagum. From there, you would need to take a local bus or taxi to reach Tagum City, which is approximately 55 kilometers (34 miles) away.

It’s important to note that travel restrictions and entry requirements may vary depending on your nationality, so it’s essential to check with the relevant authorities and airlines before planning your trip.

Nouméa is La Tontouta International Airport


If you need a van or car rental services in Davao City, do the following:

  • Call or text me at 09460480491
  • Message us on Facebook at