Coimbatore (India) to Tagum City (Philippines)

If you are looking to travel from Coimbatore to Tagum City via Singapore and Davao City, you will need to book several flights.

Here are the steps you can take to plan your journey:

Search for a flight from Coimbatore to Singapore. You can use travel search engines like Expedia, Skyscanner, or Kayak to find the best deals. Several airlines offer flights between Coimbatore and Singapore, including Singapore Airlines, SilkAir, Scoot, and Air India.

Once you arrive in Singapore, you will need to take another flight to Davao City. Again, you can use a travel search engine to find the best deals. Several airlines offer flights between Singapore and Davao City, including SilkAir, Scoot, and Cebu Pacific.

From Davao City, you will need to take a final flight to Tagum City. There are no direct flights from Davao City to Tagum City, so you will need to take a bus or hire a taxi to travel the remaining distance. The distance between Davao City and Tagum City is approximately 55 kilometers, and it takes around 1.5 to 2 hours to travel by road.

Make sure to check the travel restrictions and entry requirements for each destination before you book your flights. It is also a good idea to book your flights in advance to get the best deals and ensure availability.

The airport in Coimbatore is Coimbatore International Airport. The airport in Singapore is Changi Airport, which is one of the busiest airports in Asia and serves as a major aviation hub for Southeast Asia. The airport in Davao City is Francisco Bangoy International Airport, also known as Davao International Airport.